Best of Trades

About the film

Pick your favorite spaghetti Western, imagine it in color, set against the backdrop of the New York of the South – big city, full of characters, never sure if you’ll catch a break – throw in an inheritance and time running out to find … just wait… a watch. And you’ve got Best of Trades.

Houston-native filmmakers Andrew Madonio and JD Karpicke take a leaf out of Guy Ritche’s book as they stumble upon two down-and-out private investigators who couldn’t be less alike. The will-they-won’t-they keeps punching up the punchlines as Miles and Jakoby criss-cross Houston for a PI’s paycheck and the satisfaction of having done something right, for once.

It’s not all fun and games, though, with enough blood spatter to make Taratino nod, approvingly. Will they find the watch? Will they live to cash that check? You won’t know until the credits roll, and even then…

The Buddies

  • Miles


    Method. Miles was born from the essence of Dick Tracy, Sam Spade, Philip Marlowe. He lives for the process and it has rewarded him consistently, if meagerly, his entire career.

  • Jakoby


    Madness. Jakoby understands criminals because… he is one. He knows which forces govern movement of the earth and where, exactly to apply pressure.


  • Walter Doyle


    Heir apparent to an oil fortune, the only thing standing in his way now is… a watch? You’ve. Got. To. Be. Joking.

  • Igaal


    The guy you call when you need to find something: your lost dog, your dentures, someone else’s fortune.

  • Mateo


    Like a shark, lurking on the edges of the beach. You won’t know he’s there until it’s a problem. And a bloody mess.

  • Beatrice


    They say blondes have more fun? Not this time. She’s our favorite femme fatale, served straight up with a twist.


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